No.1 Royal Crescent in Bath is the Featherington family home in Netflix hit series Bridgerton. Image credit: Netflix © 2020

Bridgerton filming location in Bath: the Featherington family home

Bridgerton fans will immediately recognise the exterior of No.1 Royal Crescent at the home of the Featherington family; of course, only the first house on the most iconic Crescent in the country would have been good enough for the social-climbing, flamboyant Featheringtons!

The production team also added some extra garnishing – for example two stone lions, and some pediments and rosettes – to reflect the Featherington family’s taste for opulence and grandeur.

No.1 Royal Crescent is the location for the London townhouse of the Featherington Family. Through CGI it is made to appear as if it is one side of a London Georgian square, so that on screen it looks like immediately opposite, across the square, is the home of the Featheringtons’ rivals, the Bridgerton family (the real life location of which is the Ranger’s House in Greenwich).

Which parts of the house were used for Bridgerton filming?

No.1 Royal Crescent was primarily used for exterior shots of the front door and surrounding frontage – for example of cast members coming in and out of the house.

The production team also used the Crescent side of the building and the Royal Crescent itself for filming external shots of extras, including horses and carriages. They lit the dining room windows of No.1 Royal Crescent for this, in addition to some of the other houses in the street that had given permission.

The Servants’ Hall was used as a green room for the principle cast during series 3.

The Royal Crescent itself features several times in different scenes. In addition to  No.1 Royal Crescent being one of the family homes, you will see people riding horses along the Royal Crescent. You will often see the grand buildings through the windows during carriage journeys. The house that Siena is living in at the end of series one, when she chooses not to be with Anthony, is also a house on the Royal Crescent.

When did Bridgerton filming begin?

Bridgerton filmed season 1 in Bath in August and November 2019, and we closed the museum for filming each time. On both occasions, the Royal Crescent was closed to traffic and dressed to be a key location in the show. Filming of No.1 Royal Crescent takes approximately two-three days for each series. As you can imagine this generates a lot of local interest!

What Bridgerton-themed experiences are available?

We offer exclusive tours of No.1 Royal Crescent, the home of the Featheringtons! Learn about how a regency family would really have lived – and also get a glimpse “below stairs” and find out what life would have been like for the servants of such a grand household. We can tailor these tours for Bridgerton fans, with information and photos on how the house was used in the show.

Private tours start from £17 per person – please email to enquire.

General admissions to No.1 Royal Crescent are available here.
