The museum’s address is:

No. 1 Royal Crescent (Number 1 on the map below)
Bath, UK

To find us on Google Maps – insert the postcode into the search.

We are twenty minutes walk from Bath Spa train station, and just 10 minutes from the Tourist Information Centre in Abbey Churchyard.

The nearest car park is Charlotte Street which is five minutes walk away – though there is a minimum stay at this car park of 4 hours. For more details on the city’s car parks, please visit the Bath & North-East Somerset Council Website.

The nearest stops for First Buses are:
Nile Street Stop on the Upper Bristol Road – Routes 1, 14, 38 and x39
Alfred Street Stop on Lansdown Road – Routes 6 and 7

The City Sightseeing buses stop on the Royal Avenue and at the Royal Crescent.
